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作者:法律资料网 时间:2024-05-25 16:40:58  浏览:9765   来源:法律资料网
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北安市人民法院 刘亚利
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市长: 张剡



第一章 总 则

  第一条 为规范规范性文件的制定和备案,维护国家法制统一,根据《中华人民共和国立法法》、《中华人民共和国地方各级人民代表大会和地方各级人民政府组织法》和《四川省行政规范性文件制定和备案规定》等相关法律、法规的规定,结合我市实际,制定本规定。

  第二条 本规定所称行政规范性文件(以下简称规范性文件),是指本市具有管理公共事务职能的各级行政机关依据法定权限,按照规定程序制定的,涉及公民、法人或者其他组织权利义务,公开发布并反复适用的,具有普遍约束力的行政文件。

  第三条 我市规范性文件的制定、备案和监督管理适用本规定。



  第四条 规范性文件的制定、备案,应当遵循下列原则:







第二章 规范性文件的制定

  第五条 下列行政机关或组织可以在法定职权范围内制定规范性文件:





  第六条 规范性文件一般使用“规定”、“决定”、“办法”、“细则”、“公告”、“通知”、“通告”、“意见”等名称。


  第七条 规范性文件不得创设下列事项:







  第八条 有规范性文件制定权的行政机关或组织(以下简称制定机关)可以根据下列机构的建议,决定制定相关规范性文件:





  第九条 规范性文件一般应当由制定机关组织起草。



  第十条 起草规范性文件,应当征求相关机关、组织和管理相对人及专家的意见。重大或者关系人民群众切身利益的规范性文件草案,应当采取听证会、论证会、座谈会或者向社会公布规范性文件草案等方式向社会广泛征求意见。

  第十一条 公民、法人或者其他组织对规范性文件草案提出意见的,起草单位应当予以研究处理。


  第十二条 市、县(区)人民政府制定规范性文件,应当经本级人民政府法制机构进行合法性审查。




  第十三条 报送市或县(区)人民政府审议的规范性文件草案,应当由起草单位主要负责人签署;两个或两个以上部门联合起草的,应当由联合起草单位的主要负责人共同签署。规范性文件签署前,起草单位的法制机构应进行合法性审查,并提出审查意见。







  第十四条 规范性文件进行合法性审查主要包括下列内容:









  第十五条 规范性文件草案有下列情形之一的,负责合法性审查的法制机构可以将其退回起草部门,或者要求起草部门修改、补充材料后再报审定:





  第十六条 各级政府规范性文件应当经政府常务会议或者全体会议讨论决定。



  第十七条 规范性文件一般应由制定机关的主要负责人签署发布。


  第十八条 制定机关应当通过政府公报、政府门户网站、政府法制信息网站、部门网站等相对固定、普遍知晓的方式公布规范性文件。


  第十九条 规范性文件应当自发布之日起30日以后施行,但因保障国家安全、公共利益的需要,或者发布后不立即施行将有碍法律、法规、规章和国家的方针、政策执行的除外。

  第二十条 规范性文件应当规定有效期,自施行之日起不超过5年;名称冠以“暂行”、“试行”的不超过2年。有效期届满,规范性文件自动失效。安排部署工作有明确时限要求的规范性文件,工作完成自动失效。


第三章 规范性文件的备案

  第二十一条 各级人民政府制定的规范性文件,应报同级人大常委会备案,同时向上一级人民政府备案;县级以上人民政府工作部门制定的规范性文件,报本级人民政府和上一级主管部门备案;法律、法规授权组织制定的规范性文件应当报直接管理该组织的行政机关备案;两个或者两个以上工作部门联合制定的规范性文件由主办部门报送备案。

  第二十二条 规范性文件应于发布之日起15日内报送备案,规范性文件报送备案时应当提交下列材料:





  第二十三条 市、县(区)人民政府法制机构负责下一级人民政府和本级人民政府工作部门规范性文件的备案审查工作。

  第二十四条 规范性文件备案审查严格实行“统一登记、统一编号、统一公布”制度。备案审查机关应当对报送备案的规范性文件进行审查,审查的重点是:





  第二十五条 备案审查机关审查报送备案的规范性文件时应当履行下列职责:




  第二十六条 政府法制机构和工作部门法制机构在审查规范性文件过程中,需要制定机关、有关部门和法律、法规授权的组织提出意见、提供依据或者协助的,上述部门应当按要求予以配合。

  第二十七条 县级以上地方人民政府法制机构收到工作部门和法律、法规授权组织备案的规范性文件后,应当及时登记,加注备案登记号,并将规范性文件文本、制定机关和备案登记号一并在政府法制信息网站和政府门户网站上公布,接受监督。

  第二十八条 政府法制机构和工作部门在审查备案的规范性文件时,发现其违反本规定第七条的,应当建议制定机关在15日内自行修改或废止;无正当理由拒不修改、废止的,根据职责权限报备案审查机关同意后予以撤销,或者向有权机关提出处理意见。



  第二十九条 公民、法人和其他组织认为规范性文件有违法内容的,可以向制定机关、备案审查机关和政府法制机构反映。有关机关应当及时研究,对确认规范性文件存在违法内容的应当予以纠正。

第四章 规范性文件的管理与监督

  第三十条 各级人民政府法制机构应当每两年对本级政府规范性文件进行一次清理。对不符合法律、法规、规章规定,或者不适应经济社会发展要求的规范性文件,应当及时予以修改或者废止。清理后继续有效、废止和失效的规范性文件目录,应当向社会公布。


  第三十一条 县级以上人民政府法制部门应当逐步建立规范性文件数据库和网上检索系统,及时公布经登记的现行有效的规范性文件和已经失效的规范性文件目录,方便公民、法人或者其他组织查询、下载。

  第三十二条 制定机关应当于每年1月底前将上一年度制定的规范性文件目录一式2份报备案审查机关备查。


  第三十三条 县级以上地方人民政府应当加强监督,将规范性文件制定和备案情况纳入依法行政考核内容。

  第三十四条 违反本规定第五条第二款规定,各级人民政府设立的临时性机构、议事协调机构和工作部门的内设机构、派出机构制定规范性文件的,由同级人民政府或者其主管机关给予通报批评;造成不良影响或者严重后果的,由其主管机关或者监察机关对有关责任人员依法给予行政处分。

  第三十五条 违反本规定第七条规定,在规范性文件中创设行政处罚、行政强制、行政许可等事项的,由其主管机关或者监察机关对有关责任人员依法给予行政处分。

  第三十六条 制定机关无正当理由不按要求修改、废止的,由备案审查机关对责任单位给予通报批评;由其主管机关或者监察机关对有关责任人员依法给予行政处分。

第五章 附 则

  第三十七条 本规定施行前制定并且仍然有效的规范性文件,其有效期适用本规定第二十条规定,自本规定施行之日起计算。

  第三十八条 规范性文件制定机关可以根据本规定制定实施细则。

  第三十九条 本规定有效期自2011年9月1日起至2016年8月31日止。《攀枝花市人民政府规范性文件制定程序规定》(市政府令第50号)和《攀枝花市规范性文件备案审查办法》(市政府令第74号)自本规定生效之日起,同时废止。





规 定
第一条 为了吸收境内外投资,加快海南岛的开发建设,特制定本规定。
第二条 国家对海南经济特区实行更加灵活开放的经济政策,授予海南省人民政府更大的自主权。
第三条 国家鼓励境内外的企业、其他经济组织或者个人(以下简称投资者)投资开发海南岛,兴办各项经济和社会事业。
第四条 国家依法保护投资者的合法权益,对投资者的资产不实行国有化和征收,在特殊情况下,为社会公共利益的需要,对投资者的资产可以依照法律程序实行征收,并给予相应的补偿。
第五条 投资者可以下列方式在海南岛投资经营:
第六条 海南岛国家所有的土地实行有偿使用。
第七条 海南岛的矿藏资源依法实行有偿开采。国家规定的特定矿藏资源开采应报经国家主管部门批准,其他矿藏资源开采,由海南省人民政府批准。允许投资者以合资经营、合作经营和独资经营的方式进行勘探开采。
第八条 投资者可以合资、合作方式在海南岛投资从事港口、码头、机场、公路、铁路、电站、煤矿、水利等基础设施建设,也可以独资经营专用设施,并可依照国家有关规定投资经营与上述设施相关联的各类企业和服务事业,实行综合经营。
第九条 根据经济发展的需要,经中国人民银行批准,可以在海南岛设立外资银行、中外合资银行或者其他金融机构。
第十条 在海南岛投资兴办各项经济和社会事业,由海南省人民政府审查批准。但投资范围和投资总额超过国家授权海南省人民政府审批范围的,应当按照国家规定程序报批。
第十一条 获准举办的企业作为投资进口的建设物资、生产设备和管理设备,为生产经营进口的原材料、零配件、包装材料和其他物料以及自用的交通工具、办公用品,由海南省人民政府自行审批。
第十二条 在海南岛举办的企业(国家银行和保险公司除外),从事生产、经营所得和其他所得,均按15%的税率征收企业所得税,另按应纳税额附征10%的地方所得税。其中:
第十三条 境外投资者在海南岛内没有设立机构而有来源于海南岛的股息、利息、租金、特许权使用费和其他所得,除依法免征所得税者外,均按10%的税率征收所得税。需要给予减征或者免征所得税优惠的,由海南省人民政府决定。
第十四条 在海南岛举办的外商投资企业和外商持有25%以上股份的企业均享有进出口经营权,其他企业经海南省人民政府批准也可以享有进出口经营权,进口本企业生产、经营必需的货物,出口本企业的产品。
第十五条 海南岛内的企业进口本企业建设和生产所必需的机器设备、原材料、零配件、交通运输工具和其他物料,以及办公用品,均免征关税、产品税或增值税。
第十六条 国家鼓励海南岛内的企业生产的产品出口。对企业生产的出口产品免征出口关税,除原油、成品油和国家另有规定的少数产品外,退还已征的产品税或增值税。
第十七条 海南岛内的企业生产的产品在岛内市场销售的,除矿物油、烟、酒和海南省人民政府规定的其他少数产品减半征收产品税或增值税外,其余免征产品税或增值税。含有进口料件的,按照第十五条的规定,免征或者补征进口料件的关税、产品税或增值税。
第十八条 海南岛内的企业出口产品和从事其他经营活动取得的外汇收入,均可保留现汇,按当地中国人民银行的规定管理。
第十九条 境外投资者从在海南岛投资举办的企业获得的利润,可以从企业的外汇存款帐户自由汇往境外,免缴汇出额的所得税。
第二十条 凡与我国有外交关系或者官方贸易往来的国家或地区的外国人,到海南岛洽谈投资、贸易,进行经济技术交流、探亲、旅游,停留时间不超过十五天的,可临时在海口或三亚口岸办理入境签证手续;如有正当理由需要延长在海南岛内的停留期限或者转往境内其他地区,可按有关规定申请办理签证延期或加签手续。
第二十一条 香港、澳门、台湾同胞和华侨,凡持有国务院主管部门及其授权机关签发的有效护照或其他有效证件,前往海南岛及转往境内其他地区或者出境,无需办理签证。台湾同胞可以直接在海南岛的口岸申领《台湾同胞旅行证明》。
第二十二条 本规定未尽事项,海南省人民政府可按照国家有关经济特区的规定办理。
第二十三条 本规定自发布之日起施行。


Important Notice: (注意事项)
英文本源自中华人民共和国务院法制局编译, 中国法制出版社出版的《中华人民
当发生歧意时, 应以法律法规颁布单位发布的中文原文为准.
This English document is coming from "LAWS AND REGULATIONS OF THE
which is compiled by the Brueau of Legislative Affairs of the State
Council of the People's Republic of China, and is published by the China
Legal System Publishing House.
In case of discrepancy, the original version in Chinese shall prevail.

Whole Document (法规全文)
(Promulgated on May 4, 1988)
Article 1
These Provisions are formulated with a view to absorbing investment from
within and without so as to accelerate the development and construction of
Hainan Island.
Article 2
The State implements more flexible open economic policies for Hainan
Special Economic Zone and endows the People's Government of Hainan
Province with greater decision-making power.
Article 3
The State encourages enterprises, other economic organizations or
individuals at home and from abroad (hereinafter referred to as investors)
to invest in the development of Hainan Island and establish various
economic and social undertakings.
Article 4
The State shall protect investors' legitimate rights and interests
according to law, and shall not nationalize or requisition the assets of
the investors. Under special circumstances, where public interests call
for action, the State may resort to requisitioning in accordance with
legal procedures and due compensation shall be made. Investors shall
abide by China's laws and regulations.
Article 5
Investors may make investment and conduct operations on Hainan Island in
the following forms:
(1) making investment in establishing equity joint ventures, Chinese-
foreign contractual joint ventures, foreign-capital enterprises
(hereinafter referred to as enterprises with foreign investment) as well
as other kinds of enterprises permitted by law. The period of operation
for any kind of enterprise shall be specified in the contract by the
parties of investment through consultation or approved by the relevant
competent authorities;
(2) purchasing shares, bonds and other negotiable securities;
(3) operating enterprises through purchasing, holding shares, contracting
or leasing;
(4) investing and operating in the investment modes obtaining throughout
the world, conducting economic and technological cooperation and
Article 6
The use of State-owned land on Hainan Island shall be non-gratuitous. The
People's Government of Hainan Province may, according to law, grant non
gratuitously the right to the use of the State-owned land to investors.
The duration of right granted to land-use shall be laid down in the
contract in accordance with the specific conditions of different
industries and projects, with a maximum duration of 70 years; where there
is the need to continue using the land after the expiry of the contract,
the duration may be extended upon approval.
Investors may, in keeping with the relevant provisions of the State,
transfer non-gratuitously the right granted to land-use.
Article 7
Mineral resources on Hainan Island shall be exploited with compensation
according to law. The exploitation of some mineral resources specifically
designated by the State shall be subject to approval by the relevant
competent authorities of the State; the exploitation of other mineral
resources shall be subject to approval by the People's Government of
Hainan Province. Investors are allowed to explore and develop the mineral
resources by setting up equity joint ventures, contractual joint ventures,
or foreign-capital enterprises.
Article 8
Investors may, in the form of an equity or contractual joint ventures,
invest in the construction of infrastructure on Hainan Island such as
ports, wharves, airports, highways, railways, power stations, coal mines
and water conservancy projects or may also engage in facilities with
exclusive investment. They may also invest in various business and service
enterprises related to the above-mentioned facilities in accordance with
the relevant regulations of the State to undertake comprehensive
Article 9
Foreign-capital banks, banks with joint Chinese and foreign investment or
other financial institutions may be set up on Hainan Island with the
approval of the People's Bank of China in light of the needs of economic
Article 10
The investment in the establishment of various economic and social
undertakings on Hainan Island shall be subject to examination and approval
by the People's Government of Hainan Province. Where the investment scope
and total amount exceed the authorization by the State, the investment
shall be submitted for examination and approval according to the
procedures laid down by the State.
Article 11
The importation of building materials, production and managerial equipment
as investment of an enterprise whose establishment has already been
approved, the importation of raw materials, accessories and parts,
packaging materials and other materials and items required for production
and operation, and the importation of means of transport and office
equipment for enterprise's own use, are to be examined and approved by the
People's Government of Hainan Province itself.
Article 12
The enterprise income tax shall be levied at a rate of 15 percent on the
income derived from production, operation and other sources by enterprises
established on Hainan Island (State banks and insurance companies
excepted). In addition, a local surtax of 10 percent of the assessed
income tax shall be levied. Among the above-said enterprises:
(1) those engaged in the construction and operation of infrastructures
such as ports, wharves, airports, highways, railways, power stations, coal
mines and water conservancy projects etc., and those involved in
agricultural development, with an operation period of 15 years or longer,
shall enjoy a five-year income tax exemption beginning from the first
profit-making year, and shall be granted a 50 percent reduction in income
tax from the sixth to the tenth year;
(2) those engaged in industrial, communications and transportation and
other production enterprises with an operation period of 10 years or
longer, shall enjoy a two-year income tax exemption starting from the
first profit-making year and shall then be granted a tax reduction by one
half from the third to the fifth year; those acknowledged by the People's
Government of Hainan Province as technologically advanced shall further
enjoy a tax reduction by one half from the sixth to the eighth year;
(3) after the expiration of the stipulated period for the reduction of or
exemption from enterprise income tax according to the State, enterprises
engaged in industry, agriculture, and other production businesses, shall
have their enterprise income tax reduced to 10 percent in the year when
the value of their export products amounts to 70 percent or more of their
output value of that year;
(4) those involved in service trades, with a total investment of or over
US$ 5 million or RMB 20 million yuan and an operation period of 10 years
or longer, shall be exempt from enterprise income tax in the first profit-
making year and enjoy a 50 percent reduction in income tax in the next two
Reduction of or exemption from local income tax for enterprises within
Hainan Island shall be determined by the People's Government of Hainan
Article 13
For investors from outside China who have no offices on Hainan Island, a
10 percent income tax shall be levied on their dividends, interests,
rents, franchise, royalties and other incomes derived from the island
except those exempt from income tax according to law. The People's
Government of Hainan Province shall decide as to who are to enjoy income
tax reduction or exemption.
Article 14
Enterprises with foreign investment and enterprises with 25 percent of
their shares held by foreign businessmen shall enjoy the right to conduct
import and export operations, and other enterprises may enjoy the same
right, if so approved by the People's Government of Hainan Province - i.e.
to import the goods necessary for the production and operations of their
enterprises, and export their own products.
Article 15
Customs duty, product tax and value-added tax shall be exempted on the
machinery and equipment, raw materials and parts, means of transport and
other materials and items as well as office equipment that the enterprises
within Hainan Island need to import for their own production and
Customs duty, product tax or value-added tax shall be reduced by one half
on the goods imported for sale on the market in Hainan by enterprises on
the island.
Article 16
The State encourages enterprises on Hainan Island to export their
manufactured products. Products manufactured by enterprises to be
exported shall be exempt from export duties, and product tax or value-
added tax already collected thereon shall be reimbursed, except for crude
and refined oil, as well as a few other products specifically designated
by the State.
Article 17
The products manufactured by enterprises on Hainan Island and to be
marketed in Hainan are exempt from product tax or value-added tax, whereas
mineral oil, tobacco, liquor and a few other products specially designated
by the People's Government of Hainan Province are subject to a 50 percent
product tax or value-added tax. Where the manufactured products contain
certain imported parts and materials, customs duty, product tax or value-
added tax shall be exempted or levied retroactively in accordance with the
stipulations of Article 15.
Products manufactured by the aforesaid enterprises and to be marketed to
other parts in China, may be sold by enterprise themselves, except for
products whose importation is restricted by the State and which are
subject to approval in accordance with the relevant regulations of the
State. But product tax or value-added tax shall be levied on these
products according to relevant provisions. Customs duties, product tax or
value-added tax on the manufactured products containing imported parts and
materials shall be levied retroactively in accordance with relevant
Where the enterprises with foreign investment within Hainan Island are to
sell on the domestic market their products which conform to the standards
specified in the methods governing import substitution by the State, they
may apply to sell their products as import substitutes.
Article 18
Foreign exchange earnings derived by enterprises within Hainan Island from
their product export and from other business activities, may be retained
in foreign currency as earned and shall be handled in keeping with the
regulations of the local People's Bank of China. The enterprises may
adjust the surplus and deficits of their foreign exchange and effect a
balance of foreign exchange receipts and disbursements at the foreign
exchange adjustment markets located on Hainan Island or in other parts of
Article 19
Investors from abroad may freely remit from the enterprise's foreign
exchange deposit account at the bank the profits they earn from the
enterprises they set up on Hainan Island. The amount remitted shall be
exempt from income tax.
Investors from abroad who reinvest the profit they earn from their
enterprises within the Island, for a period of not less than five years
shall enjoy a reimbursement of 40 percent of the income tax paid on the
amount to be reinvested, and 100 percent of the income tax already paid on
the amount to be reinvested shall be reimbursed if the investors elect to
reinvest their profit earnings in the construction of infrastructure and
agricultural development enterprises, export-oriented and technologically
- advanced enterprises within the Island.
Investors from other parts of China shall be free to remit their profit
earnings from the enterprises on the Island. And no retroactive income tax
shall be levied on the profit earnings remitted to other parts of China
within ten years beginning from the first profit-making year.
Article 20
When coming to Hainan Island to negotiate investment or trade, promote
economic and technological exchange, visit relatives or to tour,
foreigners from countries or regions having diplomatic relations or
official trade links with China, may apply for entry visas at the port of
Haikou or Sanya if their stay in Hainan does not exceed 15 days; those who
need to stay in Hainan longer or who want to go on to other parts of China
on justifiable grounds, may apply for an extension of visa or obtaining an
additional visa endorsement according to relevant provisions.
Foreigners who permanently live on Hainan Island, or who invest in the
establishment of local enterprises or participate in the development of
the island, and their accompanying family members may upon application be
granted multiple entry visas by the authorities concerned under the
People's Government of Hainan Province.
Article 21
Compatriots from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan as well as overseas Chinese
holding valid passports or documents issued by the competent authorities
under the State Council or by their authorized agencies may come to Hainan
Island or proceed to other places within China without visas. Compatriots
from Taiwan may, at the ports in Hainan Island, directly apply for Travel
Certificate for Compatriots from Taiwan.
The People's Government of Hainan Province is authorized to examine and
approve the dispatch abroad of personnel by domestic organizations in
Hainan Province that are to set up economic, trade or tourism offices or
to establish enterprises abroad, except otherwise provided by the State.
Article 22
Matters not covered in these Provisions may be handled by the People's
Government of Hainan Province according to the provisions concerning
special economic zones. The rules for the implementation of these
Provisions shall be formulated by competent departments under the State
Council in conjunction with the People's Government of Hainan Province.
Article 23
These Provisions shall enter into force as of the date of promulgation.
